Common life processes will diminish some vsual acuity, while diseases can, and do affect millions of employees. Cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, stroke, and trauma can and do alter the visual abilities of employees. Employees hired to drive or operate machinery, do quality inspections or other jobs will not have the same visual abilities 20 or 25 years hence.
The course covers the knowledge and understanding required for a person who will conduct vision screening testing primarily in an industrial or occupational setting but may be applied in any setting, e.g. at school, old age homes and at primary health care services and consists of different modules to give the students the knowledge and understanding of anatomy and the physiology of sight and the testing of visual acuity, colour deficiency, depth perception and visual fields. The identification of problems and when and how to refer a client and report issues.
Legislation is discussed as this plays a major role in visual acuity specifically for drivers.
o Check the vision screening equipment
o Conduct a vision screening test
o Record and report the vision screening test results
The learner must complete all the activities, assessments and hand in a portfolio of evidence to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate of competence. The course is presented as a number of assessments and activities, each of which has to be completed in 2 weeks from enrolment.
This course is targeted at all Health Care and Allied Professionals involved in vision testing and medical surveillance in the Occupational Health setting.
The modules covered in this course are:
This course provides the opportunity to register as a Vision Screening tester in selected fields such as Occupational Health, Schools etc.
On completion of this course/article candidates will be able to:
After completion of the knowledge section and attending the training sessions, the learner must successfully complete the following:
Theoretical Exam - 70%
Practical Exam - 70%
Blended Course