Extensive experience in the private training and education market

Health Science Academy is a well-established and accredited provider of education and training in the South African healthcare sector with emphasis on the pharmaceutical market

It is a private company fully owned by the Foundation for Professional Development and registered with the South African Pharmacy Council. Health Science Academy focuses on the private education and training of adults. Health Science Academy is accredited as a provider of training and education by the South African Pharmacy Council. In addition, Health Science Academy is an approved provider of Pharmacist Assistant Learnerships with the HWSETA. Health Science Academy has established an infrastructure and quality control function to meet standards required by the South African Qualifi cations Authority (SAQA).

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Company history

Health Science Academy was built on the product offering and reputation of Technipharm, a pharmacist training provider established in 1990. Technipharm was at the forefront of providing specialised training required by pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry, and a range of courses were developed and presented in this field. Health Science Academy was later bought by Innovex SA, a subsidiary of Quintiles Inc., and Innovex SA continued to build on the company’s core business.

In 2005, Health Science Academy was bought by the Foundation for Professional Development (FPD), a private institution of higher education, established at the end of 1997 with the purpose of providing a comprehensive range of education products and research, tailor-made to the needs of the healthcare sector.


Health Science Academy is accredited as a provider of training and education by the South African Pharmacy Council. In addition, Health Science Academy is an approved provider of Pharmacist’s Assistant Learnerships with the HWSETA.

Health Science Academy has established an infrastructure and quality control function to meet standards required by both the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC).

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