This course Professional Development Programme consists of twenty modules covering the different body systems and the common diseases that occur as well as more general topics including immunisation and EPI.
The body systems addressed are:
The learner can choose to complete all the modules in the course or only those applicable to his/her working environment.
The course is presented as a number of distance modules, each of which has to be completed in 4 weeks from enrolment.
This course is targeted at all pharmacists, support personnel, medical representatives and front shop assistants that need to obtain knowledge and skills as part of their CPD requirements. It is also useful for medical representatives working within the pharmaceutical industry.
Online Course
The modules covered in this course are:
Foundation modules
Health promotion modules
Patient care modules
This course provides the opportunity to obtain knowledge useful to pharmacists, medical representatives and pharmacy support personnel when counselling patients and as part of CPD requirements
After completion of the knowledge section, the learner must successfully complete a multiple choice questionnaire
To obtain the certificate of completion, the learner must achieve a pass mark of 50%.
This module starts with a discussion on the hormonal regulation system. It continues to cover all the different glands in the human body under topics such as hormones secreted and their functions.